Monday, October 28, 2013

Tragedy struck

It was my last night of nursing school. For the last three years, I had been working a forty-hour a week job while going to nursing school at night. I was so excited because I felt like life would go back to normal!! I remember thinking how I had neglected my husband during this time and how we could finally spend time together!! I met some fellow students that day to study for our final. We took our final and went out to celebrate. I came home around 11 PM, but my husband, Chris was not there. I remember thinking that this was not like him to not be home. I felt angry because I thought he had stayed out late with friends. I remember going to sleep and being mad. Around 3 AM, the phone rang and I did not answer because I thought it was him and I was mad!! Around 4:30 AM, I hear a knock on my front door. Outside, a police officer is standing out there. He asked me if I was Mrs. Parker. He told me there had been an accident and my husband was in the hospital. I called the hospital and they said that Chris was very confused when he came in and had been throwing up. Then they noticed that his respirations started decreasing. They noticed a laceration to his head and decided to do a head CT. The CT showed a major skull fracture and they were flying him to Boston now. They had intubated him because he no longer could breathe on his own. I just remember being very calm and felt like I was outside my body. I called a friend who told me how to get to Boston Medical Center, and I drove there. At this time in my life, I had walked away from God and the church. I felt that weaklings depended on a higher power. Part of me wanted to go to church because I had grown up going every Sunday, but I would not go. I felt it just did not fit my thinking. This blog will talk about how a new faith in Christ helped me overcome one of the greatest sadness I had every known. I want people to know how Christ can help heal all wounds.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily, I remeber talking with you some about this, and I am eager to read your blog. Thank you for sharing your raw feelings. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to process everything, even after so much time has passed. Faith can be difficult, and I look forward to reading how this tragedy affected yours. Love, Katie
